
Facebook Rolls Out News Feed Redesign

Facebook is making changes to their news feed with a new design intended to reduce clutter and create a more consistent design across desktop and mobile devices.

In an attempt to increase engagement and deliver a news feed that relates to individual users, Facebook appears to be creating more of a “personalised newspaper” for its users. Early debate surrounding the changes has suggested this new clutter-free and personalised approach could work in favour of advertisers too.

The Main Changes:

•De-cluttered news feed

•More image-focused

•Separation of feed types

•Mobile inspired interface

•Global site navigation

What Does it Look Like?

Where the old news feed consists primarily of text, the new design contains larger images; creating a stream of visually enticing updates. The black side bar will be carried over from mobile devices to the desktop platform, creating a more consistent design. Clutter free and with a focus on personalisation, it is likely that Facebook ads will follow suit. They will then be told when the new design is available for their use.

You can read about how  to get the new Facebook news feed here.

Greater Control & Visually Appealing Ads

The latest refresh is expected to give users greater control over their news feeds, allowing them to select different tabs and separate feeds to view news from friends, images, most recent etc. Users will be able to filter out information that is not relevant or particularly interesting to them at that moment and with the ability to separate Pages content, they can focus on what their friends have to say. However, the de-cluttering and image enlargement will also serve to emphasise Facebook adverts.   Although Facebook users have been largely opposed to change in the past, many feel this cleaner design will be welcomed. Only time will tell if Facebook’s new move will prove popular and fruitful for advertising engagement.

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