Corporate Cloud Solutions for London Companies

What Type of Cloud Solutions are there for London Businesses?

In cloud computing, you pay for what you need as and when you need it. Therefore, there is a lot of flexibility in the corporate cloud solutions available to your company. There are three types of cloud services available.

Public Cloud

 A public cloud is managed by cloud service providers who own the hardware, software and infrastructure which can be accessed by users.

Private Cloud (What is Private Cloud? – Definition from Techopedia)

Private cloud refers to a model of cloud computing where IT services are provisioned over private IT infrastructure for the dedicated use of a single organization. A private cloud is usually managed via internal resources. Also, a private cloud is a cloud service used exclusively by one business. This is an on-site solution where the company itself hosts a business’ data centre. The services and infrastructure available are found on a private network for a single business alone.

Hybrid Cloud

This is a combination of public and private cloud which creates more flexibility as your data can be shared between the two.  More on cloud and wireless solutions.

The services of the cloud work on a pay as you go basis or a subscription basis which will be outlined beforehand

This means that there are options to have access to Microsoft Office 365 software for your documents, options to back-up and share data without needing to pay for and maintain a constantly running network and having to pay for and renew computer software.

These solutions allow you to pick and choose what you need a network to do for your business while only paying for what you need and use when the time calls for it.